2nd Verses

Humpty Dumpty

In Zen when you want to get to the essence of a matter there are two types of written word. First, turning words or phrases that have made it through the ages; ‘The moon doesn’t penetrate the dew drop’ and second, is poetry.

Both are pithy, there are and can be no extra words. Forms vary and you have to have great respect for the translators who took them from language to language without losing ‘it’.


For the writer, creating ‘2nd Verses’ has a clarifying effect. In that clarity can come transition, healing or just the joy of expressing the here-to-for inexpressible.

I have chosen the Nursery Rhyme (or should I say, it chose me) because they are simple and silly allowing us, and me in particular, to unlock an otherwise lethargic creative process. You can also work on them needing only scraps of paper while going about your routine.

I have started with Zen 2nd Verse as a way to express the dharma or the path of awakening to a broader audience. You can find them serially posted Here or the collection on Kindle.

Go ahead and give it a try. If you feel like sharing, I would love to read them and have them in the comments.

May your life go well ….

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